- What would your advice be in this case? 在这种情况下,你有什么看法?
- What would your advice be? 你看该怎么办?
- What would be your advice to a friend who is preparing for a job interview? 对正为一次招工面试作准备的一位朋友的你的建议将是什么?
- What would your ideal date be like? 你理想的对象是什么样子?
- Iglooanne: What would your Patronus be? 你希望你的守护神是什么?
- That's a little high for us. What would your lowest price be for jeans? 这个价格稍高了一点。你们出售牛仔裤的最低要价是多少呢?
- Your advice was what kept him going straight forward. 你的忠告就是他保持上进的原因。
- "With all this information, what would your first step be?" he asked Qui-Gon. “有了这些信息,你的第一步会是什么?”他问魁刚。
- What would your colleagues say about you? 你的同事是如何评价你的?
- Your advice was very much to the point. 你的建议很中肯。
- Your advice was hurled away on him. 你的劝告对他等于白说。
- I'm a young man, and I ask your advice, advice me as you would your son. 我是个年轻人,请求你的教导,象你对你儿子那样的教导。
- Your advice was a great help to me. 你的建议对我有很大的帮助。
- Your advice was of great benefit to me. 利益,实惠(不可数);优越性;保险金;义演
- If someone were trying to break into your house, what would your reaction be? 如果有人试图闯入你的房子,你会有什么反应呢?
- What would your last boss say about your work performance? 你前任老板会怎么评论你的工作表现?
- That is my take - what would your L.I.F.E acronym stand for? 生命是由爱和由此得来的快乐构成,因此,享受你的人生,享受你被赋予的生命。
- Corny: And if you were president, Tracy,what would your first official act be? 如果你成为总统,崔西,你颁布的第一个法案会是什么?
- If you were to enter a rafting contest, what would your raft look like? 假如您要参加这个木筏比赛,您的木筏主题会是什麽?
- Based on these recalculated results, what would your equity curve look like? 根据这个结果重新计算你的资金曲线,现在资金曲线会是什麽样子?